2004.10.06 – Freshers Week, London, England

Date: 6th October 2004
Event: Fresher Week
Venue: College union at Imperial College
City: London
Coutry: England


Extra info:
Report by fliss:
I just saw clever brains fryin’ – keith flint’s new band at our college union this wednesday and was really unimpressed. 2 songs in and someone in the crowd apparently told keith his band was “s**t” and the next thing I see is Keith and one of his other MCs jumping into the crowd throwing fists and kicks willy nilly and finally settling on beating up one of my male friends who unfortunately happened to be infront of the stage. It was one of the most unprofessional things I have ever seen in my life. I was upset and disgusted and I urge people not to see Keith and his violent band for this very reason.

Report from Felix, 14th October 2004:

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